A Yogic Lifestyle and CBD

By Hemp Health UK

yoga and cbdPlant medicine is the field of medicines we can take from the natural world.  This includes the fruits and vegetables that we eat, to natural supplements that are based on plants, teas, oils, tinctures, and also herbs.  All of these fall into the range of plant medicine. 

It can be said that you are what you eat and you are what you take in.  Part of how we operate in the natural world is through our interaction and relationship with who we are, how we breathe, how we present ourselves, how we move, what we think about and how we look after our bodies.  Therefore the food we eat, in this case plants, has a huge impact on our physiology and health. 

One plant that has an impact is cannabis.  There are two strains of cannabis, sativa and indica. Sativas are known for their “head high,” an invigorating, energizing effect that can help reduce anxiety or stress and increase creativity and focus.  Indicas are typically associated with full-body effects, such as increasing deep relaxation and reducing insomnia.

The cannabis plant contains chemical substances known as cannabinoids.  The human body has cannabinoid receptors located throughout, which respond to the introduction of cannabinoids. THC is the cannabinoid that gives users the ‘high’ when used. This is because of the inebriating effects it has. Some countries only allow marijuana to be grown for medicinal purposes where as others are able to use it recreationally.  

CBD is another cannabinoid which promotes a feeling of being calm and relaxed physically without directly affecting our mental state – however the physical benefits do have an indirect positive effect on our mental state.  CBD products legal in the UK (and sold on Hemp Health UK) have minuscule to zero amounts of THC, so are not psychoactive.  This is why CBD is a safe and popular choice to treat such ailments as pain, anxiety and insomnia. 

These ailments can make it more difficult for people to fully engage with a yoga or meditation practise. The use of CBD can be a really great addition to yoga and meditation in that it prepares the practitioner. For example, if you’re feeling anxious it’s harder to sit still and calm the mind.

meditation and CBDThe physical practise of yoga, the asanas, are one route to clam the mind in preparation for meditation.  CBD can also assist in this stage, again by calming the person, allowing them to focus on their breath control, flow through the postures, keep a clear focused mind – leading to a mental state more conducive for meditation.  The meditate state can be achieved during the physical movement as well as afterwards, when a greater state of focus and relaxation has been achieved.

There are so many food products, especially in western society, which are detrimental to the body and mind, yet they are advertised and consumed on a daily basis, we therefore assume them to be a healthy part of the human diet.  It is our responsibility as conscious consumers to become informed, to educate ourselves, so we can make a clear choice as to what we put into our bodies and the effect is has. 

This approach of education and awareness is also consistent with a yogic lifestyle. Yoga is not only a set of asanas, but it is the union of body, mind and soul. It is a highly scientific practice with deep understanding on how to keep one’s body fit and mind calm and composed. It tells you what to eat, how to eat, when to eat and what to avoid.

CBD comes in many forms. The oil which you can drop under your tongue, as cream to administer to the sore area, capsules to be swallowed with food, or vapourisers. 

These plant based natural options are available, and a progressive choice, which can help you feel better in your day to day life. 

As a side note, it’s interesting to appreciate, that yoga and cannabis come from the same part of the world.  They have both been born, raised and activated in India, which is no coincidence.