The Magic Power Of Lion’s Mane Mushroom

By Hemp Health UK

Lion’s mane mushrooms, also known as hou tou gu or yamabushitake, are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow.  Not surprisingly, this is how they received their name. 

Lion’s Mane, whilst relatively unknown in the West, the mushroom is more common in both culinary and medical uses in Asian countries like China, India, Japan and Korea. 

What does Lion's Mane do?

Also known as the ‘Smart Mushroom” Lion’s Mane is nature’s brain food; research shows that this mushroom helps reduce cognitive disfunction.  

The active compounds contained in Lions Mane hericenones and erinacines stimulate the brain to produce more NGF (Nerve Growth Factors). 

The dual action of the hericenones and erinacines together are what creates this mushrooms brain boosting ability.  

NGFs are responsible for the production, growth, and maintenance of neurons in the brain.  NGF is specifically responsible for myelin sheath production, a layer around the brain cells that protects and increases the conduction of the stimuli between cells. Unfortunately, as we age, these sheaths can become damaged, and the conduction speed becomes much slower, leading to the deterioration of brain functions (as in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease). 

In other words, Lion’s Mane helps to keep the brain vital and healthy.

What is the Evidence?

Evidence of the brain healing potential of Lion’s Mane comes from two lab studies where researchers intentionally damaged the brains of mice through the introduction of a neurotoxin. They observed the mice’s behavior and noted that they exhibited dementia-like symptoms. Upon introducing Lion’s Mane, the effects of the neurotoxin reversed.

One human study produced some very interesting results. In one double blind, placebo-controlled trial, 30 adults with mild cognitive impairment were split into two groups. Group A were given 4x250mg capsules of Lion’s Mane three times per day, whilst group B were given a placebo.  It found those supplementing with Lion’s Mane actually did better in cognitive tests at weeks 8, 12, and 16. 

Outside of clinical studies there are people all over the world who report amazing results from adding this mushroom to their life.

Additionally, Lion’s Mane contains antioxidants that support the overall health of your cells. The formula is simple: healthier cells, better energy transportation, more energy!

The potential benefits of Lion's Mane

• Increases memory

• Increases focus

• Increases concentration

• Anti-inflammatory

• Supports gut health

• Improves mood

• Increases energy levels

• Supports insulin sensitivity

How to take Lion's Mane?

If you really want to get the benefits of the mushroom, simply cooking and eating them might not be your best option. 

That’s because the beneficial compounds of the mushroom are locked up in the tough cell walls and need to be extracted to become bioavailable – so our bodies can use and benefit from them.  

The fruiting body of the mushroom is dried, powdered and put through an extraction process.  

They are then dried again, and the end result is a fine powder which can be encapsulated or added to lots of food products.

Capsules are easily the most convenient and can be bought from Hemp Health UK on our store: 

The recommended dose is between 500mg and 2g.