Different Types of CBD Oils

There are three main types of CBD products that are currently being manufactured. These are Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolates. 

CBD oil and hemp leaves

CBD Isolate

This is the purest form of CBD. It is made through the complete extraction of CBD (Cannabidiol) from the cannabis plants. This involves the separation from other cannabinoids and terpenes.

To create CBD isolate, the other cannabis compounds need to be removed. This is one first by extracting the compounds from the plant itself. The solution is then refined further, until the Cannabidiol is all that remains.

Some speculate that Cannabidiol in this pure form makes it more effective, as it is more potent and concentrated. However, there has been increasing conjecture that this might not be the case…

Broad Spectrum

To create Broad Spectrum CBD oil, the first step remains the same. As in the pure CBD isolate extraction process, the Cannabinoids, Terpenes and Flavonoids are all extracted from the cannabis plant. However, rather than isolating the CBD from the rest of the compounds, only the THC is then removed.

This combination of Cannabinoids, Terpenes and Flavonoids, is supposed to initiate the ‘Entourage Effect’, working together to work more effectively. Of course, without the addition of the psychoactive compound, THC.

Broad spectrum products from Hemp Health UK to try include:


Full Spectrum

Again, to extract a Full Spectrum CBD oil, the first step is the same. When extracted from Hemp, the THC concentration in the removed compounds will be less than 0.3% (0.2% in the UK). As opposed to removing all of the other compounds, or just the THC, the compounds are all left to remain in the finished product.

A Full Spectrum oil is thought to be the most effective at unlocking ‘the Entourage Effect’.

Full spectrum products from Hemp Health UK to try include:




The Entourage Effect

So, what is the Entourage Effect? Well, to put it simply, this is when all of the compounds extracted from the cannabis plant work together to result in different effects to CBD alone. While more research is needed (as with most things cannabis related), some research indicates that Full Spectrum CBD oils may have a complimentary effect.

CBD Entourage-Effect

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