CBD Dosage

Managing your CBD dose is very important.

The human body is responsive to small amounts of CBD, just miligrams can be produce a favourable response.  Taking too much can in fact reduce the impact your CBD dose.

Everyone has an individual sweet spot. The ideal CBD dosage that elicits the best response from the mind and body. That’s why it is recommended people to start slow, go slow, and listen to your body.

There is an element of experimentation in finding your ideal dosage. Everyone’s journey with CBD is unique, but a good place to start is on a low dose and work your way up, increasing the dose week by week until you get the results you’re after – this is referred to as the “up-titration method”.

For example – some people report taking CBD in the afternoon helps to promote restful sleep, but taking in the morning results in feeling too drowsy at work.

CBD Dosage Considerations

Determining the best CBD dosage generally depends on the following factors.

  • Concentration:

    Concentration, or strength, refers to the total amount of CBD in a given product. Concentration is measured in milligrams (mg). This is different from dosage, which indicates the amount of CBD per serving. For instance, let’s say a bottle of CBD tincture has a concentration of 1500 mg and contains 30 milliliters (mL) of tincture, with 1 mL as the standard serving size. This means each 1-mL serving will contain approximately 50 mg of CBD; the consumer is not ingesting 1500 mg with each dosage.

  • Body weight:

    A person’s weight often plays a role in how much – or how little – CBD affects the body. Generally speaking, heavier people need higher doses to experience the calming effects of CBD; lighter people, on the other hand, may feel the same effects with a lower dose.

  • Desired effects:

    For many, the optimal dose comes down to the level of pain or discomfort they are experiencing. Someone with chronic pain or severe anxiety may need a higher dose to alleviate their symptoms, whereas a person with a milder condition may prefer a lower dose with less pronounced effects.

  • Tolerance:

    CBD consumers may develop a tolerance over time, which can result in reduced effects from the same dosage. Higher subsequent doses may be needed to achieve the desired results.

Using the criteria above, first-time CBD consumers should be able to determine a good starting dosage.